Thrill- seekers abound everywhere in all continents, countries, states and cities, and at all times of the year. So why not simply listen to plain old ghost stories and watch scary movies? That’s because after a while, it loses the thrill and excitement and of course, nothing trumps the feeling of experiencing it in real life. So, if you don’t count in the category of faintest of hearts and love experiencing horror stories with your own eyes, why not try visiting these places in Philippines we’ve compiled specially for you? Oh, and be prepared for visiting by doing regular exercises to keep yourself fit. You know, just in case you need to run if you encounter something strange or weird. That is, if you’re up for the challenge. If not, simply browse through what these places have to offer to keep you awake at night even if you read through it. After all, an adrenaline rush is a good boost to your immune system. Proceed at your risk if you get scared easily. 1) Laperal ...