Steps To Eco Conscious Parenting

 Babies are precious little things, cute and cuddly but the moment they are born they start creating carbon footprints. Thus, they are cute but not Eco friendly at all. Eco Conscious Parenting sounds hard as almost everything you need to pamper them leave carbon foot print. Say like disposable diapers, baby wipes, strollers, car seats etc. The consumption doesn’t end here it keeps on going , from buying toys to tricycles to video games and computers.

Steps To Eco Conscious Parenting

So it’s the responsibility of the parents to look after their own habits and things to follow a principle which makes them Eco Conscious. Wondering what small things you need to take care of to be an Eco Friendly parent? Read the tips below on eco conscious parenting to know how you can reduce the waste to make world a better place for your baby.

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Diapers are the first thing you get home when you are blessed with a baby. One just cannot imagine parenting without the invention of diapers. Can you imagine? The answer sure is, no but then don’t you know diapers are made in plastic and harm the environment when you dump them after use. Well if you want to make your experience green you can try cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are washable and they don’t take much space as compared to it’s disposable brothers.


Earlier people use to have cloth wipes but with the invention of the new ones the old cloth wipes got discarded. Disposable baby wipes harms the environment and also have chemical content. So instead of using chemical filled disposable wipes you can clean your baby fresh with cotton cloth wipes. You can reuse them and can be Eco conscious. But if in some situations you need to carry disposable wipes then you can try and minimize it’s use. One way you can do so is by cutting it into two halves to use it twice.


Babies make a lot of laundry, piles and piles of it. The more clothes you load the laundry basket with, the more detergent and water you will use. Usage of chemical detergent and a lot of water is bad for the environment and if you do so you’ll not be able to count yourself into Eco Friendly parents. Since you want to be one, you’ll first have to be conscious about usage of both water and detergent and for this you’ll have to minimize the use. Don’t just trow everything in the laundry basket, pick each cloth to ask yourself if it’s dirty. Also you should use cold water instead of hot. Usage of cold water will save both electricity and environment.


Kids grow up really fast and their clothes gets smaller. So this results in them growing out of things quicker than you could possibly think. Hence, brush your mind to come up with some ideas to how to not let your baby’s old things affect the environment. Also you can include few of ours like, keeping a track when you are shopping for your baby, also you can give away your baby clothes and toys to the one in need instead of throwing them away. Recycle each and every possible thing. Be it your baby’s clothes or toys or his milk bottle.

Above where some tips, follow these few Steps To Eco conscious Parenting to be an Eco friendly parent. Also teach your kids to be Eco Friendly. They surely will imitate you to be one.

Source: Eco Conscious Parenting


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